International Students Dormitories

Is there a dormitory for international students at the university? International students live in superior dormitories of block type № 3 and № 8. Principle of accommodation depends on the country of residence. Arabs, Syrians, Chinese, Sri Lankans and other representatives of distant foreign countries are generally accommodated in one block with students from their countries. Although sometimes international students ask to put them in one room with Russian students in order to quicker learn the new language, get a closer look at the culture and daily life in Russia. It is planned to have a separate dormitory building for international students in the future.
Is the dormitory far from academic buildings? Dormitories for international students are located comparatively close to academic buildings, at the territory of SUSU Campus. Within walking distance there is the Park named after Y.Gagarin, which gradually turns into untouched relic pine forest; at the territory there are many scenic quarry lakes. International students have a great opportunity to walk and exercise in the fresh air.
How many people live in one room? Usually there are no more than three international students living in one room; graduate students live by two.
Where are the facilities situated (shower, WC)? Shower and restroom are situated in the block, relatively close to the room, as dormitories for international students are of block, residential type.
Where is the kitchen situated? Is it equipped with home appliances and utensils Separate dining blocks (kitchens) are situated on the floor near the rooms where international students live. Kitchens are equipped with all the necessary appliances (refrigerators, electric hearths, microwave ovens). Refrigerators are also placed in some rooms.
What does university provide for students when they move in? When moving in the dormitory, SUSU provides international students with bed linen. Rooms are equipped with furniture (beds, desks, wardrobes, bedside tables). There are all the necessary appliances on the floor: washing machines, irons, ironing boards, dryer racks, vacuum cleaners, etc.
Is there Wi-Fi at the dormitory? There is paid wired internet available at the dormitories. Payment depends on the connection speed. Medium speed costs 350 rubles per month; high speed costs 450 rubles per months.
Does the dorm building have additional facilities?

Buildings, in which international students live, have all the necessary conveniences. There is a student café in dormitory № 3; not very far, in dormitory № 2, there is a reasonably priced student canteen. There are reasonably priced minimarkets with all the necessary goods in dormitories № 7 and № 5.

There is video surveillance in the buildings, guards are working around the clock, and there are medical kits in every guard’s cabin. Dormitories are equipped with the system of fire protection. All the rooms are equipped with alarms; training evacuation and mandatory security briefings are held regularly.

Besides, in 2016 all the dormitory employees completed the English language course (Elementary level), and now they can communicate with international students and offer their help, if necessary.

Also, one of the cheapest hairdressing salons is open at the campus’s territory. Within walking distance from the dormitories there are: SUSU Legal Clinic, Photography school, swimming pool, Health House, student hospital. In the dormitories there are free gyms and break rooms with all the necessary equipment.

What is the monthly fee for dormitory? The payment for accommodation is 1000 rubles per month.
