Russian Universities to Make Admission and Study Easier for Foreigners

31 May 2017
Russian Universities to Make Admission and Study Easier for Foreigners

The Russian Government has approved a priority “Education Export” project.

It designed to make domestic education more attractive to international prospective students. To boost the global profile of Russian education, the Government is set to make friendlier university admission rules and migration laws. Student visa validity term might be extended to three years and. document legalisation procedure will be streamlined.

Universities plan to have more bachelor’s and master’s programmes in Enlighsh and broader foreign participation in online courses and summer schools. They will also improve their international foreigner support services. Foreign citizens will be offered newest educational tours of Russian towns and regions.

The Education Export project will involve 20 domestic universities at the initial stage and engage them all in 2021-2025. The project’s target is to increase the number of international students at Russian universities three-fold by 2025.
