Novosibirsk State University’s Iraqi Students Do Medical Internship

17 August 2017
Novosibirsk State University’s Iraqi Students Do Medical Internship

Future doctors had practice at Central Clinical Hospital, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch.

The international students on Medical Care programme at NSU Institute of Medicine and Psychology go for summer work placement after each academic year to put their knowledge to practice and see Russian doctors at work.

The Iraqi students who completed their second year at NSU did a four-week nursing stint at a Novosibirsk hospital taking patients’ temperature and blood pressure, making injections and providing first aid. The supervisors praised the trainees for diligence and attention. Patients left positive comments, too, and the interns said they liked the chores.

NSU launched a six-year Medical Care programme for international students in 2015. It is taught in English for the first two years; the students are simultaneously engaged in Russian language study. Starting from third year, lectures and seminars are only conducted in Russian. By that time, students acquire sufficient proficiency in listening comprehension and speak fluent Russian.

In 2017, 11 foreigners became sophomores and another 38 became third-year students. NSU enrolled 65 international prospective students in the first year including citizens of Italy, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Iran, Nigeria, USA and Canada. 
