عرض على الخريطة

سنة التأسيس: 1804

مجموع الطلاب : 49 451 / طالب أجنبي : 10 663

كلية: 18 / قسم: 164

مُدرس : 3 800

أساتذة جامعيين 272 مُحاضر1 059 دكتوراه في العلوم 374 مُرشح لدرجة الدكتوراه 1 200 المُدرسون الأجانب 43

برامج التعليم الرئيسية للأجانب: 708

البكالوريوس 334 الماجستير 259 المختص 20 تدريب الموظفين المؤهلين تأهيلًا عاليًا 95

برامج التعليم التكميلية للأجانب: 58

برامج التحضير ما قبل الجامعي 9 تعلم اللغة الروسية كلغة أجنبية 2 البرامج قصيرة الأجل 2 البرنامج الأخرى 45

أشكال الدراسة

Kazan Federal University (KFU) is one of the oldest universities in Russian and was founded more than 200 years ago. It is the main educational centre of Tatarstan. Since 2009, it has held federal university status.

Today, KFU has:

  • Over 2500 lecturers and researchers;
  • 43 300 students;
  • 300 Bachelor's, Specialist and Master's Degree Programmes and Postgraduate Programmes.

The university is noted for its academic schools in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, and linguistics. In terms of research, KFU gives priority to developments in pharmacology, biomedicine, geology, physics, chemistry, oil and gas, nanotechnologies and information technologies (IT), psychology and cultural studies, humanities, pedagogical and inter-disciplinary spheres.

KFU is a national research centre comprising 33 modern laboratories. They conduct research in the sphere of economics, electrosynthesis of aromatic compounds, applied radiophysics and applied mathematical modelling.

New laboratories in the fields of physics, biology, biomedicine, geology, ecology and chemistry will open soon.

KFU has almost 40 years' experience in teaching international students.

Today, KFU comprises 17 institutes, 3 higher schools and 3 branches in cities located in the vicinity, which specialise in the following subjects:

  • Physical and mathematical sciences.
  • Natural sciences.
  • Medicine.
  • Education and pedagogy .
  • Humanities.
  • Social sciences.
  • Economics and management.
  • Geology and mineral prospecting and development.
  • Automation and control.
  • Services sphere.
  • Culture and arts.
  • Information science and computer technology.
  • Geodesy and land management.
  • Life safety, environmental engineering and environmental protection.
