عرض على الخريطة

سنة التأسيس: 1758

مجموع الطلاب : 15 000 / طالب أجنبي : 2 200

كلية: 7 / قسم: 144

برامج التعليم الرئيسية للأجانب: 102

البكالوريوس 4 الماجستير 8 المختص 9 تدريب الموظفين المؤهلين تأهيلًا عاليًا 81

برامج التعليم التكميلية للأجانب: 2

برامج التحضير ما قبل الجامعي 1 تعلم اللغة الروسية كلغة أجنبية 1

أشكال الدراسة

  • University clinical hospitals: 7
  • Inter-clinical diagnostic and treatment services: 16
  • Research institutes: 7
  • Training and medical buildings: 20
  • Number of patients who annually receive hospital care in the clinics of the University: 62 000
  • Number of patients who annually receive outpatient care in the clinics of the University: 300 000

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University has leading positions in the Russian health care system and provides a full cycle of education programs for the most talented students from around the world. The main activities of the university include training of highly qualified physicians for the Russian and foreign healthcare. Experts of the university are involved in world-level fundamental and clinical research, effectively treat dangerous diseases, provide professional medical care.
