New generation scientists of KFU and TPU win international petrochemistry awards

08 October 2020
New generation scientists of KFU and TPU win international petrochemistry awards

In the first week of October 2020, two science prodigies representing Russian universities have won prestigious oil and gas technological competitions.

Rojas Allan Rodriguez, a PhD student at the Institute of Geology, Oil and Gas Technologies of Kazan Federal University, took first place in the Best Report nomination at the XI Chemistry of the International Oil and Gas Conference in Tomsk. The young scientist presented the results of his research on the use of hydrogen peroxide as an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method based on hydrodynamic modelling. The results of 4 years of research have already found application in a new project of PJSC TATNEFT, the leading oil company of the Russian Federation.

Alina Orlova, a master's student at Tomsk Polytechnic University, took second place at the Russian stage of the worldwide annual competition for young specialists by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining IOM3 (Great Britain). In her study, she concentrated on the low-temperature properties of diesel fuels and mixtures of low-temperature additives. The results have application prospects in various fields of applied chemistry and have a chance to improve winter and arctic fuels production in particular.

The oil and gas industry has a leading position in the Russian market. And that's why Russian universities invest resources into most progressive research and advancement in this area. Beside TPU and Kazan Federal University, other schools offer relevant educational programmes on the subject Energy and Resource Saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology, including FEFU, ITMO University, UrFU, SUSU and many others. The SibFU Oil and Gas Business programme is one of the most popular among international students this year.

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