37 Russian Universities in QS Rankings by Subject

04 March 2020
37 Russian Universities in QS Rankings by Subject

Britain’s Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) published annual global survey results.

The rankings cover 48 subjects across five broad subject areas: Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Technology, Natural Sciences, Life Sciences and Medicine and Social Sciences and Management. Russian universities are highlighted in all the five areas. Russia has longstanding powerful physics and math schools. QS ranked 17 Russian higher education centres for physics and astronomy, the largest number compared with Russian universities in other categories. Lomonosov Moscow State University leads the Russian league at 33rd place. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and Novosibirsk State University are in the 51-100 group. Thirteen Russian universities were ranked for mathematics including MSU (43rd), Saint Petersburg State University (51-100), and MIPT, MEPhI, NSU and Higher School of Economics (101-150).  

Eleven Russian universities were in the top 100 in QS Rankings by Subject. For example, National University of Science and Technology MISIS is 46th for Mining and Mineral Engineering. HSE is ranked 48th for Politics and International Relations. It is also in the 51-100 group for Social Policy and Administration, History, Sociology, Economics and Econometrics. 

QS annual Rankings by Subject help prospective students choose their study destination. Based on the QS list, they can find out which universities are the best for teaching this or that subject.