Cyberpsychology is a new unique programme of Lobachevsky University

04 February 2021
Cyberpsychology is a new unique programme of Lobachevsky University
@ depositphotos

National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky opened admission for the master's programme in cyberpsychology.

Cyberpsychology is an entirely new field for work and research at the intersection of psychology and Internet technologies. Experts address a wide range of problems and phenomena developed as a result of human interaction with the products of cybernetic developments: virtual reality, social media, Internet and computer addiction, psychological safety online, as well as the rules of ethics, motivation and goal-setting of various algorithms, robots and artificial intelligence.

Students study big data and data science basics, UX design, receive IT-coaching and dive into narrow fields of psychology – the psychophysiology of stress and stress-resistant behaviour and the visual information processing, as well as the psychological aspects of promoting online products.

With the extensive theoretical studies, students also conduct active research work in laboratory conditions using highly intelligent technology: VR-equipment and psychophysiological diagnostic tools, and also take internships with leading IT-companies.

Get a degree in one of the most innovative fields! Just send an application to Lobachevsky University through our website right now. It is completely free and will allow you to ask any questions directly to the UNN representative.
