European Physics Olympiad: Russia Wins Gold

29 July 2020
European Physics Olympiad: Russia Wins Gold

Russian schoolchildren are winners of a prestigious competition.

European Physics Olympiad (EuPhO) was held online this year and involved high schoolers from 50 countries. The Russian team won five medals including three golds. The top scorers are Alisa Bugrova from Phystech-Lyceum, Tatyana Yemelyanova from Physics and Maths School No 2007 and Maxim Pokrovsky from School No 1589. Fyodor Oksanichenko from Academic Lyceym Physics and Technology School won silver and Nikita Moskalyov from Kirov Physics and Mathematics Lyceum won bronze.

The competition comprised two stages: the solution of problems of various levels and a simulation experiment. The Russian team, coached by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology teachers, showed excellent results both in the theoretical and practical part of the contest. During the training which began three weeks before the Olympiad, high schoolers solved more than 100 complex problems. The teachers said that the trainees had amazing talents, creativity and the drive to win.

European Physics Olympiad was held for the fourth time. The Russian team had invariably placed among top scorers. MIPT, a steady EuPhO supporter, hosted it in 2018. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is famous for its traditions to train physicists and mathematicians. There are two Nobel Prize winners among MIPT alumni; ten MIPT alumni are on the Forbes list of the most successful people in Russia. Find more information about the university.
