Over 230 foreign specialists work in St. Petersburg at Polytechnic University

12 October 2021
Over 230 foreign specialists work in St. Petersburg at Polytechnic University

St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) traditionally employs many foreign scientific and educational specialists, currently over 230 members of staff. The institutes try to engage the leading foreign professors and prominent specialists in their fields. Attending the classes of world-renowned scientists and authoritative experts, students get an idea of the global trends in the development of various scientific areas, become acquainted with alternative ways of organizing the educational process, specify the topics of their qualification papers, gain experience in intercultural communication.

The Institute of Energy is among the most active in attracting foreign specialists. This year, more than 40 foreign scientific and educational employees work here. The Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade works hard, too: this year, more than 30 foreign members of staff are employed at IPMET. Almost all SPbPU institutes engage foremost foreign professors.

“The main point of inviting the leading foreign scientists and specialists is to improve the quality of scientific and educational processes. Foreign lecturers contribute to the internationalization of the university, publish articles jointly with our scientists, develop online courses for popular educational platforms, write textbooks, receive grants and implement joint research projects,'' – says Vladimir Khizhnyak, head of the International Cooperation Department.

Source: SPbPU International Service
