Russian Universities Among the Best for Natural Sciences

19 November 2019
Russian Universities Among the Best for Natural Sciences
© RUDN University

Britain’s Times Higher Education published world universities rankings by subject in four areas.

Universities were assessed across physical sciences, life sciences, psychology and clinical, pre-clinical and health subjects. Russian universities appeared in all the four areas. As many as 33 were highlighted for physical sciences with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology at 45th place leading the Russian league. Lomonosov Moscow State University is the runner up at 81st place. The top 200 include National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in the 101-125 group, Novosibirsk State University (126-150) and National Research Tomsk State University (176-200). The other Russian higher education centres in this subject area are Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, University ITMO, Kazan Federal UniversityNational University of Science and Technology MISIS, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Higher School of Economics, Ural Federal University, Far Eastern Federal University, National Research Lobachevsky University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Samara University, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Siberian Federal University, South Ural State University etc. MIPT, NSU, KFU, TSU, FEFU and Sechenov University were among the nine Russian universities listed for life sciences. Eight Russian universities got into the league table for medical programmes: KFU, TSU, NSU, RUDN, MSMU etc. Three Russian universities were ranked for psychology: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics and Saint Petersburg State University.

THE relies on several performance indicators such as teaching, research, citations, international outlook and industry income.
