South Korean Lyceum Students Eye FEFU Education Opportunities

28 October 2019
South Korean Lyceum Students Eye FEFU Education Opportunities

A delegation of a Seoul-based French lyceum came to Far Eastern Federal University.

It was South Korean lyceum students’ first visit to a Russian university; as for Vladivostok, they had travelled there before. Earlier, they visited Russian schools and now decided to explore higher education prospects.

The delegation included Korean nationals and lyceum students from France, Canada and the USA. Together with FEFU students, they attended lectures, toured the campus and took a look at university programmes. Some of the guests said that they would apply to FEFU. “I’m considering the opportunity to study at FEFU,” lyceum student Maxence Vilfeu said. “They told me about a unique biomedical school; I’ve been dreaming of becoming a doctor since childhood.” Lyceum students were surprised at the FEFU campus which looked like a town within a town in terms of size and infrastructure. They found the university dormitories particularly impressive, as they are among the most comfortable not only in Russia but also in the world.

Far Eastern Federal University is truly an international university whose faculty, aside from Russian scientists, has professors and leading specialists from across the world, including such countries as the United States, Mexico, Peru, Japan, Australia, Germany, France, Great Britain, Norway and Egypt. The university is currently providing training to 3,500 international students.

If you want to get to know FEFU and learn about study opportunities, the best option would be to enrol in a summer or winter school. You can come to FEFU for a short programme and see everything with your own eyes.
