Russian Universities in U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings

24 October 2019
 Russian Universities in U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings

American experts assessed universities across 81 countries.

U.S. News & World Report released new overall and subject rankings of the world’s best 1,500 universities. Twenty-two Russian higher education centres were listed in 18 of 28 areas. Domestic universities traditionally showed good result in exact sciences; 19 were included in the rankings for physics. Lomonosov Moscow State University leads the Russian league in the top 100 at 16th place, followed by National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (51st), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (53rd) and Novosibirsk State University (55th). Fourteen Russian universities were ranked for Chemistry, nine for Materials Science, and eight for engineering.

In overall rankings, 17 Russian universities are represented, up three from last year. Lomonosov Moscow State University is clear leader at 226th position, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI placed 388th and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology placed 402nd. The Russian table also includes Novosibirsk State University, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, National Research Tomsk State University, Higher School of Economics, ITMO University, Kazan Federal University, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Ural Federal University, Lobachevsky University, Far Eastern Federal University, Siberian Federal University etc. Many universities have considerably improved their positions compared with 2018. For example, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University advanced 134 positions, Higher School of Economics 79 positions, ITMO University 64 positions, National Research Tomsk State University 63 positions and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 58 positions.

U.S. News Best Global Universities has published rankings for more than 30 years. Initially, only U.S. universities were targeted. The rankings began to evaluate universities across the world starting 2014. Experts rely on 13 performance indicators such as research reputation, publications, citations, international collaboration etc.

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