Ammar Muthanna: " I feel at home in Russia"

18 August 2021
Ammar Muthanna: " I feel at home in Russia"

Ammar Saleh Ali Muthanna came to Russia from Yemen almost 16 years ago. Over the years, he has got a bachelor's, a master's and a doctoral degree in technical sciences at the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications.

In the interview, Ammar said what it is like to live and work in Russia and what qualities should be developed for studying abroad.

- Why did you decide to study in Russia and stay here to work?

- At school, we passed the state exam and with high scores had the opportunity to study abroad. There were several countries to choose from. I chose China and Russia, won an exchange program in Russia and received a scholarship. Telecommunications was my priority.

- What is it like to study and work in Russian? How did you learn it?

- I took a preparatory course in Belgorod, I arrived there in the fall of 2005, after school. In the preparatory course students are taught in different areas: telecommunications, medicine, and so on, and they are taught very well. In my first year, when I entered SPbSUT, it was very difficult for me to study. But then it got better with practice.

- What qualities should a student have if he or she wants to study abroad?

- The most important thing is patience. Perseverance. Learning motivation. Clear understanding of your profession. And, of course, good English!

- Are you currently applying for Russian citizenship and planning to stay in Russia as a citizen?

- Yes, I am collecting the necessary documents and I hope that everything will work out. There is now a simplified approach for those who work here. If you have a Russian diploma and you work in Russia, you can apply for citizenship.

You can read the full version of the interview on the website.