Enter English-language programs at Lobachevsky University!

04 July 2022
Enter English-language programs at Lobachevsky University!

Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship at Lobachevsky University is one of the oldest schools of both in Russian and English. It offers education both in Russian and English. The English taught graduate courses include: master level in Management and bachelor level in Economics.

Management of Business and Finance is a 2-year master degree programme provides students with methods and skills necessary for work in multi-national companies.

World Economy. This bachelor degree course in Economics aims at giving students strong foundational courses, so they can understand the processes in the World Economics and macro-level as well as economic effects on companies.

Studying in a multinational community in a foreign country will foster such skills as flexibility, empathy, and understanding. We have student from China, India, Egypt, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Serbia, France and many others.

Together under the conduct of our highly professional professors you will be developing in the field of International Management and Economics.

Detailed information about all the English-language programs of UNN can be found on the website of the university.
