Best Paid Lawyers

16 July 2020
Best Paid Lawyers

The universities whose graduates have the highest incomes

Every year, the Superjob employment opportunities service ranks salaries of young specialists who graduate from Russian universities. The latest rankings featured salaries of Russian universities’ law schools alumni in the period from 2014 to 2019. Moscow State University (MSU) tops the list. MSU alumni earn 115,000 rubles per month on the average (up 5,000 rubles from the previous year). The runners-up are Moscow State Institute of International Relations (110,000 rubles) and St Petersburg State University (110,000 rubles). The third place went to Higher School of Economics with HSE alumni’s salary expectations at 100,000 rubles.

The top 15 universities that train the best lawyers include Kazan Federal University and Lobachevsky University (6th), University of Tyumen (8th), Samara University (9th), National Research Tomsk State University (10th), Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (11th), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (12th), Novosibirsk State University (13th), Far Eastern Federal University and South Ural State University (14th) and Siberian Federal University (15th).

Earlier this year, Superjob ranked salaries of young IT specialists and financiers; Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State Institute of International Relations alumni led the league. Follow the link to see education programmes offered by Russian universities and choose your fit.

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