LETI Holds International Festival

04 December 2019
LETI Holds International Festival

Students from 80 countries took part in the Palette of Languages and Cultures forum.

During the two-day festival, international students showed their national costumes and treated everyone to national dishes. Guests sampled exotic food and were introduced to the history and traditions of different nations. For example, the sampling of the Jewish matzo turned into a foray into the Old Testament. The famed Kazakh beshbarmak (boiled meat and noodles) is eaten with one’s hands (beshbarmak means “five fingers”). Mongolian meat dumplings “buuz” and spicy Korean cabbage “kimchi” were popular with guests. Students from Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Morocco explained some fine points of Arab cuisine. The festival ended in a big show where songs were performed in several languages.

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” admits dozens of international students every year. As many as 3,550 LETI graduates work in 60 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The university cooperates with many international research organisations, universities and companies all over the world.

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