In person, remote, online: different formats of the Geographic Dictation - 2021

12 November 2021
In person, remote, online: different formats of the Geographic Dictation - 2021

On November 14, 2021, the seventh Geographical Dictation of the Russian Geographical Society starts. This year the activity will be held in three formats: in person, remote and online. Two days before the Dictation, let us see how they differ from each other.

The Geographic Dictation has been held annually since 2015. Participants anonymously answer questions about the geography of Russia. Assessment of their geographical literacy is not the organizers’ priority: the activity is educational in nature and aims at developing people’s interest in science and national heritage. In 2017, the Dictation became international for the first time: it was written in 25 countries around the world. In 2020, the number of participating countries, including Russia, reached 110.

On all sites, both in-person and remote ones, the Geographic Dictation starts on November 14, 2021 at 12:00 local time. To take part, you are going to need a registration: go to the "Geography of Dictation" section on the website, choose the convenient site and click on the "Details" button. The site’s page contains the contacts of the organizers, the procedure and methods of the registration, information on the number of available seats and access for persons with disabilities.

In person

This format of participation is the simplest and most familiar. To take part in the Dictation in person, you need to choose the most convenient open-type site in your region, register and come with an identity document on November 14 by 12:00 local time. Each participant will get a certificate of participation.

The results of the Dictation will be published on the website starting on December 6, 2021. You can check your result by using your 13-digit identification number or by scanning the QR-code printed in the second part of the form.


This format became an innovation of the last year. The only difference from the in-person format is the factor of actual presence: you can write the Dictation from home or any other place. To do so, you will need a registration at the site of the activity, as well as access to the Internet.

On the website of the Dictation you can choose any open-type site with the remote format available and register as a participant. After the registration, the organizers send the participants a unique link that will let them write the Dictation. Just like offline participants, everyone who passes the test on a remote site of the Dictation will receive a certificate of participation.

The results will be published beginning on December 6, 2021. They can be checked by using your 13-digit code. The code will be displayed before the start, as well as during the Dictation and after its completion.


For those who are impatient to know their results and getting a certificate is not important, there is another option. Online Dictation starts on November 14 at 14:00 and ends on November 24 at 14:00 (Moscow time). You can write the Dictation online anywhere and at any time. Registration is not required. If you choose this format, the certificate will not be issued, but the result will be known immediately after answering the last question. 

Read more on the website

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