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Specializations within this programme

  • Economics (Accounting and Taxation in the International Business Environment)

    The programme is targeted at attendees, who wish to obtain relevant practice-oriented knowledge and learn from practicing specialists.

    The academic staff are members of the methodological bodies developing the new national accounting standards, the "National Accounting Regulator the Accounting Methodological Centre" Foundation Association, and are holders of recognised international certificates on accounting (IPFM, ACCA). Classes are also held by specialists from the partner enterprises; and in order to solve the real problems of enterprises, project-related student groups are formed. Therefore, already during the process of training, most students find their first job in the speciality or improve their qualification with the help of the program organizers being in contact with many business partners.

    The most topical fields of activities of our graduates at present are the organization of the accounting process in the context of its convergence with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), analysis of financial results and cash flow management. All these functions are studied using the latest versions of the 1C program, so the students, upon completing the programme, can immediately start working at accounting enterprises or outsourcing companies. In the course of studying, the students also learn how to manage the activity of economic services of enterprises, what allows to build career and quickly become a top manager.

  • Economics (Applied Economics and Business Consulting)

    The goal of the programme is to train expert economists, combining profound knowledge of modern economic theory with professional knowledge of economic and mathematical methods, system definition of economic and financial problems, the skills for conducting a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external environment of a company, as well as justifying economic decisions considering the specifics of a business entity.

    The programme provides the competencies necessary for working in the field of financial, taxation, investment and organizational consulting.

    The Master’s degree programme is designed within the implementation of a cross-disciplinary modular approach, using cutting-edge educational technologies. The educational process is conducted by highly qualified academic staff: doctors and candidates of sciences, who are practicing specialists.

  • Economics (Banks and Banking Activity)

    The program is aimed at training a new generation of top and medium level bank managers who have an understanding of  modern technologies and tools of banking management, as well as advanced knowledge and skills in the field of financial analysis of commercial and business processes, developed analytical thinking and research skills.

    The graduate is able to carry out professional activities in commercial banks and other financial institutions; financial, economic and analytical services of organizations of various industries and forms of ownership, state and municipal authorities, educational institutions.
