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Professional fields

Bachelors of geoecology majoring in the field of Soil Science are capable of solving the issues related to the soil genesis and evolution studies, soil mapping, land erosion and degradation control, land fertility improvement. In the course of their studies students acquire the basics of chemical, agrochemical, physico-chemical soil analysis (in the framework of agrochemical services and ecological monitoring), research in physical properties of soils (in the framework of agriculture and construction).

Key knowledge and skills

Bachelor graduates are to:

  • solve global and regional issues related to soil preservation and protection;
  • possess the methods of agrochemical soil studies, soil mapping, designing projects involving soil use, monitoring and ecological expertise;
  • be able to design the projects involving the use of special geoinformation systems

Employment opportunities and prospective variants for continuation of studies

Project, research, scientific, production, marketing, consulting companies; federal and regional organizations for land cadaster, environmental protection and natural resources management; national  and municipal state authorities; state control, environmental protection and ecological safety services, research and academic organizations; educational institutions, ecological companies; construction and research companies; landscape design and greening enterprises, agricultural production enterprises, geological organizations. 
