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Specializations within this programme

  • Integrated analysis complexes and information technologies of FEC enterprises (CEP)

    Professional course of training includes knowledge acquisition in the field of modeling, energy- and resource-saving processes in the chemical technology, information technologies in the physical experiment, processes and devices for the environmental protection, industrial ecology, systems of chemical technological processes control, instrumental analysis methods, health and safety, metrology, etc.

    Uspenskaia Maia Valer'evna, +7 (812) 232-37-74,

  • Information technologies in thermal physics (CEP)

    Collaborative educational program is focused on the qualified specialists training in the field of information technologies in thermal physics, energy- and resource-saving technologies and growth of the energy efficiency in different industrial sectors, computer technologies and modeling of physical processes, devices for the energy conversion, thermal processes management, energetic and ecological monitoring.

    Sharkov Aleksandr Vasil'evich, +7 (812) 314-15-87,

  • Optoelectronic security systems

    The master program offers high qualified specialists training in the field of optoelectronic systems of security and surveillance. Graduate students will also obtain practical and theoretical skills in laser physics and technology and complementary disciplines.

    Bugrov Vladislav Evgen'evich, +7(812) 406-80-67,

  • Optoelectronic systems of information display and lighting design

    Bugrov Vladislav Evgen'evich, +7(812) 406-80-67,

  • Progressive functional materials of electronics and optoelectronics

    The master program offers high qualified specialists training with the competences and skills in the field of the development and examination of functional material properties, which have a potential application in micro-, nanoscale devices and optoelectronics of the new generation.

    Romanov Aleksey Evgen'evich, +7 812 406-80-67

  • Thermal and physical processes and technologies

    The field of professional activity includes means and methods of human activity, related to the revealing, examination and modeling of the new physical phenomenons and regularities, the development and implementation of the new technologies on their basis, including energy- and resource-saving devices and systems, materials of various purposes in science-driven areas of technical and applied physics.

    Sharkov Aleksandr Vasil'evich, +7 (812) 314-15-87,

  • Sensors and sensory networks

    The purpose of the educational program is to train specialists in the field of sensorics and intelligent sensory decisions.

    Luk'ianov Gennadiy Nikolaevich, +7 (812) 571-64-50,

  • Physics and technology of the optoelectronic information systems

    The master program offers specialists training in the field of optoelectronics, oriented on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in data transmission, storing, processing and information display systems based on the optical and electrical methods.

    Bugrov Vladislav Evgen'evich, +7 (812) 595-41-26,

  • Laser Engineering
    The training program includes the study of: laser physics and technics, human biology, biochemistry and biophysics (classes conducted by teachers of the St. Petersburg State Medical University. Acad. Pavlov), tissues optics, interaction of laser and optical radiation with biological environments.