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Specializations within this programme

  • High-voltage engineering and physics
    General energetics, indoor and outdoor equipment insulation, electric power systems, physical processes in gases, liquid and solid dielectrics, overvoltage of insulation, electromagnetic compatibility, engineering graphics.
  • Electrical power plants
    Production, transmission, distribution, transformation and power implementation, energy management, design and production of elements, devices and systems responsible for these processes
  • Electrical Protective Relays and Automated Electrical Systems
    Fundamental knowledge of electrical power engineering including design, production and technology
  • Power supply systems
    Electrical power distribution system, optimization of power-system operation modes and their transition processes
  • Electro Mechanics
    Development of construction elements and technological justification, use of information technologies for construction of electrical equipment and systems; electrical products and systems testing
  • Electrical equipment systems for enterprises, organisations and establishments
    Issues of production, transmission, distribution, transformation, and implementation of electric power, power management design and production of devices, elements, and systems responsible for these processes