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The program includes 4 blocks: disciplines (modules), research and practice, state final attestation. Training passes according to individual plan, formed by a graduate student in conjunction with a scientific leader in accordance with the subject of scientific research. During training, graduate students are studied as highly professional courses, and general educational disciplines, aimed at developing universal competencies. Based on the results of the training, graduate students prepare final qualification work. Training is conducted in accordance with the following programs:

- Theory and history of law and state;

- History of the teachings on law and the state;

- Constitutional law;

- Constitutional litigation;

- Municipal law;

- Civil law;

- Business law;

- Family law;

- International private law;

- Financial right;

- Tax law;

- The budgetary right;

- Labor law;

- The right to social security;

- Criminal law and criminology;

- Criminal-executive law;

- Criminal process;

- Forensic science;

- Forensic and expert activity;

- Operative-search activity;

- Information Law;

- Administrative law, administrative process.
