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Radiophysics is one of the most progressive fields in the landscape of physical science. The concept is concerned with understanding of basic phenomena of radiophysics. Students will study the inter-connected complex theory, methods and instruments of generation, transmission, reception and transformation of information in the form of electromagnetic waves. In addition, students learn to apply these acquired skills in practice and to develop the methods that they’ve studied further.

This undergraduate programme strives to get its graduates ready to work in the fields of scientific research, innovations, education, in organization and management of activities and processes of the world of radiophysics and in others spheres like electronics, optics, information technology, computer science and others, using radiophysical methods.

The professional development enables students to:

·         Find creative and effective solutions by applying methods and fundamental knowledge of radiophysics;

·         Specialize on telecommunications, connections, transmission, data receipt and processing;

·         Work in various educational institutions ranging from schools to universities.

The graduates that successfully finish this programme can enhance their qualifications by entering Master degree programmes in TSU or in any other university worldwide. As for career paths and job opportunities – our students are in high demand and welcomed in such places as “Research Institution of semiconductor devices”, various branches of TSU, in institutions of RAS, companies like “Micran” and others. 
