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Summary: The aim of the education program is to train bachelors who have the skills to study social processes, social structure and institutions using the scientific methodology of sociological science.

Sociology is a practice-oriented scientific field of knowledge used to identify and solve the most pressing social problems in all areas: economics, politics, culture, education, etc. Graduates acquire skills in applying qualitative and quantitative methods for conducting sociological research, statistical analysis, using computer programs for processing information, working with databases and data arrays. Graduates of the program are well prepared to begin their careers in the field of state and municipal administration, personnel management of any organization, as well as in the commercial sphere.

The Department of General and Ethnic Sociology takes an active part in the international activities of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University. The most active students who speak foreign languages ​​have the opportunity to attend international student conferences and participate in internship programs.
