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Specializations within this programme

  • 14.04.01 Drug Technology

    Area of specialization: Drug technology.

    It includes development of theoretical bases for drug technology, design of drug products, development of technology for active pharmaceutical ingredients and drug products.

  • 14.04.02 Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy

    Area of specialization: Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy.

    It includes;

    • the studies of physical, chemical and biological properties of drugs and drug raw materials, their changes in the process of production, processing, storage and use, taking into account the influence of various factors (technological, climatic, etc.);
    • development of methods of production, cleaning, standardization and quality control of medicines.

  • 14.04.03 Pharmacy Management

    Area of specialization: Pharmacy management.

    Deals with improving the organization of pharmaceutical business, including marketing research, rational pharmaceutical management, multivariate analysis and scientific forecasting of economic phenomena, management theory, sanitary and hygienic, mathematical and statistical, informational, pharmacological and economical methods.
