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Clinical psychology is a program that has an interdisciplinary character. The activity of a clinical psychologist is connected with the task solutions in the system of health care, education and social assistance.

The fields of program’s graduates professional activity includes: research and practical activities aimed at solving complex problems of psychological diagnostics, examination and assistance to citizens in public, research, consulting and educational organizations as well as in healthcare and social protection institutions in the field of law enforcement, defense, security of the individual, society and the state, sports, and in the field of private practice - the provision of psychological assistance or psychological services to individuals and legal entities.

Clinical psychology is close to medicine. Therefore, a clinical psychologist is the closest colleague of a doctor and helps him to work with people who have not only mental but also physical (somatic) diseases.

In addition, the clinical psychologist has knowledge of human developmental disorders, from infancy to old age. Specialist learns to understand medical terminology, various methods of psychodiagnostic and psychological assistance. It can work with a wide range of problems: neurotic disorders, difficult life situations, impaired mental functions after strokes, health problems, etc. Specialists in the field of clinical psychology help people with difficulties in adaptation and self-realization.
