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The educational program is aimed at the formation of universal professional competencies that allow a journalist to conduct successful activities in various types of media, the formation of practical professional skills, including in terms of proficiency in professional equipment, as well as the formation of an understanding of the basic principles of the media system, an idea of the main organizational forms of the media industry; the formation of a universal multimedia approach to journalism.

Key disciplines of the program:

Theory and practice of new media, news and analytical journalism, journalistic skills, professionally creative workshop, creation of a multimedia resource, production of educational media, industrial practice.

Partners and experts involved in the implementation of the program:

Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Employers and experts:

Branch of VGTRK GTRK "Vladivostok", LLC PrimaMedia, LLC "Business case", Editorial Office of The Newspaper "Arguments and facts in Primorye", LLC "Publishing Company Competitor", IA "Primpress", KGUP "Public Television of Primorye", Editorial Office of The Newspaper "Novaya Gazeta in Vladivostok". 