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"The objectives of the programme "Russian as a  foreign language" are:

  1. The study of phonetic, grammatical and lexical material is based on the average module of the Russian language personality of a contemporary student of a university in a large Russian city.
  2. Development of grammar oppositions of the oral – writing, dialogue – narrative, formal – informal communication.
  3. The accumulation of students' thematic vocabulary, linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge, providing formal and informal communication.
  4. To develop students' abilities to construct monologic and dialogic utterances in oral and written areas of communication.
  5. Teach students to create oral and written speech products in accordance with the parameters of the situation of communication."

The program is divided into 3 modules, with the examination  at the end of study: 1) the elementary level of language proficiency (A1); 2) basic level of language proficiency (A2); 3) first level certificate of proficiency (B1).

Module 1. Elementary level of language proficiency (A1). Elementary level involves the use of the Russian language as a mean of communication at a minimum acceptable level of communication in the sphere of everyday communication. In the process of mastering the material of module develops students ' ability to read and understand simple sentences, understand basic and additional information a small adaptation of the text; the ability to write a text about yourself, friends, family, working day,  free time; the ability to understand the main information (theme, main contents and communicative intentions) short dialogues and monologues in everyday situations; ability to participate in dialogues in situations of everyday communication, the ability to maintain a conversation, particularly about yourself, friends, family, working day, free time; the ability to use grammatical and lexical skills of formulating statements in accordance with the plans in a limited number of everyday situations. The minimal vocabulary level is 780 units.

Module 2. Basic level of proficiency (A2). The basic level indicates the initial level of communicative competence; it involves the ability to meet the basic (basic) communicative needs in everyday life, cultural, educational spheres of communication. In the process of mastering the material of module  students  develop ability to read short texts taken from various sources (magazines, newspapers, signs, inscriptions, signs, advertisements), to understand the basic and additional information of the adapted texts of culture, information and social character; the ability to write a short letter, note, greeting and more, to present the main content of the source text (at least 15 sentences on the proposed issues); the ability to understand basic information (in particular, a theme, a location, time, causes), presented in single dialogues and monologues of social and socio-cultural character; the ability to initiate dialogue in everyday situations, maintain a conversation, particularly about yourself, friends, family, studies, work, learning a foreign language, working day, free time, hometown, health, weather, and also to construct your own statement on the basis of the read text; the ability to use grammatical and lexical skills of formulating statements in accordance with the plans in a limited number of social situations. The minimal vocabulary is 1300 units.

Module 3. The first level certificate of language proficiency (B1). The first certification level indicates the ability to meet basic communication needs in communication with native Russian speakers. In the process of studying the material of this course, students acquire the following skills: ability to read short texts from newspapers, magazines and books, to understand the general content of  texts, as well as separate details, conclusions and evaluation of the author; the ability to write a text of at least 20 proposals in the framework of  situational-thematic minimum, skills in writing to convey the main content of read or listened text of  information-publicistic, socio-cultural or social character; ability to understand dialogues in written and oral speech, ability to extract factual information (topic, time, characteristics of objects, goals, causes) and to express their attitude to the statements and actions of speakers, understand the  recorded  announcements, news, information of social-cultural character; ability to participate in dialogues in a wide range of everyday situations, the ability to start, maintain and end the conversation, carry on a conversation on various topics (in particular, about himself, his work, profession, interests, country, city, culture), to formulate their own statement on the basis of the read text of socio-cultural issues; ability to use grammatical and lexical skills of formulating statements in accordance with the intentions that arise in communication situations within the situational-thematic minimum. The minimal vocabulary is 2300 units.
