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Programme Focus

The qualification is aimed at professional training of engineers whose activity will be connected with ensuring effective, reliable and ecologically safe work of motor transport.

In the course of training students will study a large number of all-engineering disciplines, such as materials science, resistance of materials, higher mathematics, etc., and special disciplines, such as operational materials, technical operation of power units and transmissions, design and operational properties of transport and transport-technological machines and equipment, power units and so on.

Production internships and externships will be organized in companies and enterprises in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation. The students also do introductory professional training (in the 2nd year) and academic and technological practical training (in the 3rd year) at training and scientific facilities of the department.

 Programme advantages

The department is located in a separate academic building with 5 specialized classrooms, computer classroom, transport-technological machines and systems pavilion, specialized and academic laboratories:

  • of internal combustion engines testing;
  • of diesels fuel equipment testing and setting;
  • of electric equipment and electronic systems of transport-technological machines;
  • of transport-technological machines and systems design, etc.

Students can get the extra Diploma of “Translator in the professional field of study” and have the opportunity of learning several foreign languages, the training in which will be focused on learning the general vocabulary and also on mastering special technical vocabulary, related to the qualification of the student.

Graduates’ expertise and career opportunities

The graduates of department successfully work for motor transport enterprises of various profiles of activity and forms of ownership. The department has established scientific and production links with NAMI (НАМИ), MAMI (Moscow state machine building university), LLC “Rus-Lan” - the official dealer of Volkswagen group, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Akademavtotrans”, etc.
