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Programme Focus

The purpose of Master’s degree programme is to train highly qualified professionals in Agrobiotechnology for scientific and pedagogical, organizational and administrative, analytical and research activity in accordance with the modern international educational, scientific and professional requirements. Professional skills of the graduates with Master’s degree in 

Agrobiotechnology are the following:

  • finding and formulating topical scientific problems;
  • designing and implementation of the research plans;
  • developing research methods;
  • conducting and analyzing research results;
  • searching, processing, and analyzing information on the research subject;
  • writing scientific  reviews and reports;
  • publishing of scientific papers.

Programme advantages:

  • Mastering innovative technologies in Integrated Pest Management
  • Designing and conducting scientific experiments
  • Developing and implementing environmentally-friendly techniques of high-quality plant production

Graduates’ expertise and career opportunities

      Specialists in Agrobiotechnology can work in federal, provincial/territorial or municipal government departments, research and business organizations, including foreign companies.  
