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Specializations within this programme

  • Computer-Assisted Design of Buildings and Structures

    Buildings Construction and Engineering Systems Design

    Students receive basic knowledge within the complex of general-engineering courses, and then proceed to the mastering specialized courses, gaining the skills of designing external and internal networks, and water supply and disposal facilities.

    During training, special attention is paid to practical and laboratory studies: students not only learn the quality indicators of natural and waste waters, but also gain skills in the natural waters treatment and conditioning, and in rainfall treatment methods. Thus, students are preparing not only for design, but also for research and technological activities.

  • Industrial and Civil Construction

    Building Materials and Quality Evaluation

    It is aimed at developing students’ personal qualities, as well as the formation of general cultural, general-professional and functional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Education Standards of Higher Education. In the field of personal development it is aimed at developing of students’ personal qualities that contribute to their creative activities, general cultural growth and social mobility. In the field of education it is aimed at the formation of general cultural, general-professional and functional competencies that allow graduates to work in a chosen field successfully and be competitive in the labour market.

    During the training students have a lot of room to fulfil themselves in creative and research activities: participate in research projects, conferences, etc.

  • Urban Construction and Management

    Heat and Gas Supply and Building Microclimate

    The goal of the educational program 08.03.01 Construction is development of cultural and professional competences in accordance with FSES 3+ and training of qualified and competitive specialists in the field of Heat and Gas Supply and Building Microclimate; development of autonomy students for the purpose of creating self-sufficient employees.

  • Production of Construction Materials, Goods, and Structures

    Industrial and Civil Construction 

    The goal of the educational program 08.03.01 Construction, field of Industrial and Civil Construction is development of cultural and professional competences in accordance with FSES 3+ and training of qualified and competitive specialists in the field of industrial and civil construction; development of autonomy students for the purpose of creating self-sufficient employees.
  • Water Supply and Drainage

    Materials Science in Construction Engineering and Quality Evaluation

    It is aimed at developing students’ personal qualities, as well as the formation of general cultural, general-professional and functional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Education Standards of Higher Education. In the field of personal development it is aimed at developing of students’ personal qualities that contribute to their creative activities, general cultural growth and social mobility. In the field of education it is aimed at the formation of general cultural, general-professional and functional competencies that allow graduates to work in a chosen field successfully and be competitive in the labour market.

    During the training students have a lot of room to fulfil themselves in creative and research activities: participate in research projects, conferences, etc.

  • Realty Inspection and Management

    Urban Planning

    Students learn the specifics of engineering surveys, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures; engineering equipment and urban landscaping, and transport infrastructure. Students learn modern methods of integrated engineering improvement, urban planning and environmental safety, planning, development and reconstruction of residential areas, modern geodetic support for construction operations.

    The Department has modern geodetic equipment, cartographic materials for the implementation of educational and research work. Ambitious students participate in scientific conferences and get to publish their works.

  • Roads

    Water Supply and Disposal

    The goal of the educational program 08.04.01 Construction is development of cultural and professional competences in accordance with FSES 3+ and training of qualified and competitive specialists in the field of Water Supply and Disposal; development of autonomy students for the purpose of creating self-sufficient employees.

  • Technical Maintenance of Communal and Housing Facilities
