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How Algerian Nationals Can Get into a Russian University

How Algerian Nationals Can Get into a Russian University

You can be trained for nearly any profession in Russia. Read the guidelines on choosing the field of study and programme, preparing documents and getting into a university.

Russia and Algeria established diplomatic relations in 1962 and have been developing partnership in oil and gas, energy and education since. Russia’s Gazprom and Algeria’s Sonatrach jointly conduct geological surveys and produce hydrocarbons in Algeria. The countries also have a cooperation agreement on the peaceful use of nuclear energy which provides for designing and building a nuclear power plant in Algeria. Russia also helps Algeria train engineers for its nuclear industry.

Russian education is increasingly in demand in Algeria. Statistics show that Russian universities were providing training to 413 Algerians in the academic year 2014/2015, 549 in 2015/2016 and 791 in 2016/2017; more more than 85 percent of them were self-funded students. A large choice of medical, engineering, humanities and chemical and biological professions is one of the reasons behind Algerians’ choosing Russian universities. The affordable tuition fees also have significance.

As a rule, Algerians come to Russia to study medicine (General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy), economics, nuclear power engineering, computer sciences, electric power engineering, civil engineering and linguistics.   

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Where Do I Start?

If you decided to study in Russia, the first thing you have to do is choose the university, field of study and programme. Note the university’s position in international rankings, read international student reviews and carefully read programme descriptions. You might also want to read about living costs in Russia, rent prices and travel and food costs to plan your budget. Find this information on studyinrussia.ru. Our website has seven language versions including Arabian

Russian or English?

You can choose your language of instruction. A majority of programmes are taught in Russian. If you choose a Russian medium programme, you have to show high language proficiency in addition to passing your entrance examinations in field-specific subjects. If you never learnt Russian, enrol at the Preparatory Department first where you can take an intensive course in Russian and general disciplines. After the foundation year, you’ll find it easier to enrol in a full degree programme.

Russian universities offer international students English-taught programmes in different fields, from biological sciences to information technology. Applicants have to take an examination in English as a rule. However, some universities recognise international certificates.

Contact university representatives for entrance exam information. Forward your question from our website using your personal account. Create a personal account and write to the university. University representatives will reply to you within ten workdays.

Funding Options

Both self-funded and scholarship studies are available to Algerian nationals.

Self-funded study

Self-funded study is an excellent option. Tuition fees at Russian universities are lower than in Europe and America, while the quality of training is high.

Medical professions are among the most popular with applicants. Tuition fees for undergraduate programme in General Medicine range from 153,846 to 468,000 rubles a year ($2,370 - 7,200); Dentistry fees: 468,000 to 507,000 rubles a year ($72,000 - 7,800); Pharmacy: 200,000 to 292,500 rubles a year ($3,080 - 4,500). Training for medical professions lasts at least six years (specialist degree). Universities: I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Far Eastern Federal University, Kazan Federal University, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University etc.

Economics/management: 120,970 to 500,000 rubles a year ($1,860 - 7,690). Universities: Higher School of Economics, South Ural State University, Siberian Federal University etc.

Nuclear power engineering is also a very popular field. Fees vary from 112,224 to 632,580 rubles a year ($1,730 - 9,730). Universities: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

IT programmes: 122,000 to 370,000 rubles a year ($1,880 - 5,690). Universities: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, ITMO National Research University, National Research Tomsk State University, National University of Science and Technology MISIS etc.

Electrical power engineering: 216,500 to 325,000 rubles a year ($1,950 - 5,000). Universities: Ural Federal University, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Siberian Federal University, Samara University etc.

Civil engineering: 134,430 to 305,000 rubles a year ($2,070 - 4,690). Universities: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Far Eastern Federal University, South Ural State University, Ural Federal University etc.

Linguistics: 120,000 - 500,000 rubles a year ($1,850 - 7,690). Universities: Higher School of Economics, Novosibirsk State University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University etc.

The article shows approximate fees. Use our convenient search tool to find out the precise tuition fee.


Russian government scholarships

Algerians have two options to get a scholarship.

  • Take part in international Olympiads held by Russian universities every year. The winners are eligible for various preferences, from extra points to admission without entrance examinations. For example, bachelor’s students can take part in HSE International Youth Olympiad, MEPhI’s Phystech Olympiad, ITMO University Olympiad in Informatics and Mathematics etc. Open Doors: Russian Scholarship Project is organised by the Global Universities Association for prospective masters students. See the complete list of Olympiads here.
  • Win the Russian government scholarship contest. Every year, the Russian government sets aside 15,000 university places for foreign nationals. In 2017/2018, Algeria got 50 scholarships. Contact the Russian Embassy in Algiers, 14 Rue Bougandoura, El-Biar, over scholarship issues.

What Comes Next?

Next, you have to prepare documents. Initial application to the university usually requires that you send to the Admissions Board a copy of passport, education certificate, a filled out application and photos. You do not have to legalise or apostille your education document. It is an approximate list of required documents. Document requirements differ from university to university, so get complete information in advance.

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Welcome to Russia

If you have passed the examinations and competitive selection and have been admitted to the university, you will receive an invitation in PDF file. You require it in order to get a student visa. If you have won a scholarship, the invitation is provided by the Embassy or the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). Submit the visa documents to the consulate section of the Russian embassy in Algiers, 14 Rue Bougandoura, El-Biar.

Students have to register with Russian migration authorities within seven days from the date of arrival in Russia. If you are going to live in a dormitory, its administration will register you. If you plan to rent a room/apartment, ask the owner to help.
