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Holders of Degree from Russian University to Work at NPPs

25 February 2020
Holders of Degree from Russian University to Work at NPPs

MEPhI graduates from Turkey and Vietnam were awarded degrees in nuclear power engineering.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI specialises in training nuclear industry specialists. Fifty-four students from Turkey and 27 from Vietnam, 81 in all, majored in “Nuclear Power Plants: Design, Operation and Engineering” in 2020. The Turkish group was on the Akkuyu Nuclear dedicated programme; all of them will work at the first NPP which is being built in the province of Mersin. The training that lasted more than six years included practice at Russian companies and NPPs. The foreign nationals received congratulations at a university graduation ceremony from Embassy officials and Rosatom company and MEPhI representatives. The graduates thanked their teachers for knowledge transfer and their patience and support. They also said that during the training they came to like the Russian language and culture and expressed the hope that their countries and Russia would develop stronger relations.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI is a top Russian engineering university located in Moscow. It has branches in several Russian cities. Aside from nuclear physics and technology, the University offers programmes in cybersecurity, ecology, biophysics, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, nuclear medicine etc. More than 50 English-taught programmes of different levels are available, from bachelor’s degree to PhD. Find more information in the MEPhI section.