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RUDN University alumnus, Federico Marcelo, about life in Russia and the reason he decided to study in Moscow

21 July 2021
RUDN University alumnus, Federico Marcelo, about life in Russia and the reason he decided to study in Moscow

Why did you choose Russia for your study?

I was liked by the fact that this country is far away and is different from Argentina. It was interesting to learn about Russian culture. The idea of ​​your country in our country is wrong - a different view of history. But the more I communicated with the Russians, the less stereotypes remained. I was offered to enter the RUDN University, to study Russian, I was delighted.   

What emotions did you have when you landed for the first time?

Surprise and bewilderment. Huge buildings and monuments, unfamiliar designs, different letters on the posters - I felt lost. But it was so interesting to know more about Russia.

You say you like literature. Who is your favorite writer?

From Argentine - Jorge Luis Borges. I love the way he writes about life, time and people. There is a mystical game in his books that makes you want to reread his books. From the Russia - Anton Chekhov. I love his little stories and natural way of looking at things.

Parting words to students.

Follow your goals and capitalize on the worst situations. Experience teaches you to grow personally and professionally. Only those things are saved in time that we do not allow him to take away. When you feel like giving up, focus on your own and get better every day. Feel free to reach out to family and friends for support.
