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The educational programme in Philology has been developed with the aim of training competitive qualified specialists able to work with texts.

The programme is aimed at preserving fundamental classical philological education, study of linguistic and literary disciplines to prepare graduates for research activity with further study under a Master’s or PhD programme; for pedagogical, literary review, and other text-based activities.

Students studying under the programme in Philology can choose the sphere that would most meet their interests: history of the Russian language and comparative Slavonian language study; modern Russian language and general language study; Russian as a foreign language; foreign languages (English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Polish, etc.); Russian literature, folk literature, world literature.   

Graduates of the programme work in various spheres:  

  • Pedagogics (teaching philological disciplines);
  • Research (working in University laboratories and scientific institutes);
  • Creative work (art criticism, writing);
  • Administrative management and business (information- bibliographic and editorial- reference work);
  • Culture (working in museums and archives);
  • Translation (English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Bulgarian and other languages).