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Specializations within this programme

  • Russian Philology

    Within the framework of this programme Russian Philology is studied through the prism of its diverse relations with world literature and culture. Special attention is paid to the theory and history of Russian literature, as well as linguistic aspects of its functioning. The current state of the Russian language and its history are also studied during the course of the programme. The unique character of the programme is defined by the fact that the Russian language is studied against the background of other Slavic languages (Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Serbian).

    The fundamental education in the Russian language and literature is associated with the traditional for classical philological education introduction of dead languages (Latin, Old Slovenian languages) into the programme. At that, students study the English, German, French, Spanish languages.

    A wide variety of elective courses is also included into the educational plan of the programme, that allows each student to build his own educational trajectory and study such disciplines that meet his own educational requirements.

  • Foreign Philology

    The programme in “Foreign (Romano-Germanic) Philology” presupposes additional training in foreign languages (English, German, French) and offers the possibility to teach foreign languages of the Romano-Germanic group, to work as a translator or to use this unique background for own future business, as well as to proceed with the education at European and American Universities.

    During the course students study two foreign languages on the obligatory basis. The major foreign languages are English, German and French, whereas the English language is studied either as the first or the second language. Within the framework of elective courses and specializations students have possibilities to study the Spanish and the Italian languages.

    The programme offers a wide array of theoretical disciplines and provides for harmonious combination of traditional teaching methods and latest achievements in the sphere of foreign language teaching methodology and practice. The languages of instruction are Russian, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
