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This programme has been developed with the aim of training highly qualified modern specialists capable of efficient professional activity in the sphere of finance management of organizations of any organizational and legal form with the usage of fundamental theoretical knowledge and innovation technologies.

A graduate from the Bachelor’s degree programme in Economics can be successfully employed in the sphere of banking and finance, statistics and accounting, analysis and audit, taxes and taxation. Strong professional background will help to be settled in life and build a successful career.

However, the prerequisite to success is good academic progress during the course, profound understanding of programme material, as well as personal qualities: proactivity, flexibility, ability to fit in a team, ability to work effectively in a team and, of course, acquisition of new knowledge as based on the academic performance at the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship.

International partnership

University of Siena (Italy), Pierre Mendès-France University (France), University of Calabria (Italy), Nottingham Trent University (UK)