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Programme focus

The present educational programme proposes alternating training in mixed groups (Russian and French students) in two countries: Russia and France. During the first and second semesters of the Master's degree course alumni stay in France studying at the Bordeaux Montaigne University (UBM) - the contemporary name of the higher education institution - and obtain knowledge in such areas as theory and practice of translation fr om Russian into French, history of the European philosophical thought, interconnection of literary, theatrical  and cinematographic arts.

If they wish, Russian students can perfect their French speaking skills through studying, on the commercial basis, an additional course of French as a foreign language. As a rule, lectures and seminars are held in French with use of electronic boards, computer presentations, video- and audiomaterials. Once a month students travel for one day of study to the neighboring Bordeaux city of Toulouse wh ere they listen to the lectures of teachers of the Toulouse II Le Mirail University. That gives them opportunity to master a better understanding of the process of studying in Europe, get acquainted with new methods of study, use library funds of the two French higher education institutions right away, and at the same time visit the wonderful southwestern region of France.

During the third and the fourth semesters students are being trained at the RUDN. They attend courses on the theory of linguistics, basics of stylistics, familiarise with creative linguistics and go deeper into the issues of intercultural communications. Besides, they undertake scientific and pedagogical practical work and write qualifying Master's degree work. The diploma Master's degree work is written by a student in his native tongue (Russian students- in Russian and French students in French). Yet, a student should write his author's abstract 20-25 pages long in a non-native tongue.

Programme advantages

Awarding simultaneously Master's degree of the two higher education institutions: RUDN and Bordeaux Montaigne University (UBM).

In the course of two years  of study on Programme «Russia-Europe» students obtain skills of translation from Russian into French and vice versa, analysis of literary and philosophical  texts, become good experts in intercultural communications and gain the primary pedagogical experience. The Programme is unique not only because after finalizing its studies they obtain right away diplomas of the two universities, but also by the fact that within it rather distinctive humanitarian disciplines are being thought:  socio-linguistics, geopolitical situation in Russia and other CIS countries, and creative linguistics. Competences in all these spheres make the graduates of the programme “Russia-Europe” unique specialists.  

Career opportunities

The Programme graduates can cooperate with the Russian cultural centre in France and French cultural centre in Russia (in Moscow), continue their education at a post-graduate course in order of obtaining the double PhD diplomas, participate in international scientific conferences, work at international scientific laboratories, teach Russian and French languages.   
