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Specializations within this programme

  • Light Engineering
    The pogram is oriented on the highly qualified specialists training in the field of examination and development of optical and optoelectronic systems and devices. Program is forming basic practical skills in the sphere of transmission, storage, processing and display of information.
  • Laser Engineering
    The training program includes the study of: laser physics and technics, human biology, biochemistry and biophysics (classes conducted by teachers of the St. Petersburg State Medical University. Acad. Pavlov), tissues optics, interaction of laser and optical radiation with biological environments.
  • Thermal Physics
    The area of professional Bachelor activity includes a set of tools methods of human activity related to the identification, investigation and modeling of new physical phenomena and laws, with the development based on them, the creation and implementation of new technologies, including energy and resource saving devices and equipment, materials for different purposes in research-intensive areas of applied and engineering physics.
  • Petroleum Chemistry and Analytical Instrument Engineering
    Educational program uses the methods of practice – based learning and combines training in areas such as spectroscopy, physical optics, molecular physics, physical and analytical chemistry with in-depth study of computer metrology, automation, information technology and computerized process control systems.
  • Nanophotonics and Quantum Optics

    Ulia Tolstyh, Engineer,
