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The undergraduate program in Culture Studies offers students a fundamental education in social sciences. In the course of four years students will acquire professional skills in analytics, teaching, management of culture.

This programme will give students a deep understanding of cultural processes, knowledge of historical background and a great theoretical base for future career paths in various spheres.  The graduates are able to see the tendencies in the modern culture and are up - to – date with their fast-moving nature.

Students will have a multidisciplinary curriculum, for the subject like culture is rapidly developing and has various approaches to studying it. The programme prepares highly qualified specialists, who:

  •  Are able to work on researches, in expert groups and in project dedicated to socio-cultural sphere of life;
  • Can develop new cultural project with the use of modern technologies;
  • Are actively involved in organization and realization of various enlightening cultural programs in educational institutions, museums, touristic organizations and others;
  • Prepared to be flexible in the fast-moving cultural world;
  • And, certainly, to engage with other cultures and nationalities to improve cultural understanding of different civilizations.

Students will get a great opportunity to dive in the world of culture and explore the main aspects of Russian and World history, learn about the tendencies and historical backgrounds of modern and classical art forms in different historical periods. The special attention is paid to the analysis of intercultural communications. 
