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The area of professional activity

·         Organizations of any organizational-legal form (public, municipal, commercial, non-profit) in which post-graduates work as performers or leaders in the different services of management apparatus;

·        state, regional and municipal management;

·         structures in which graduates become entrepreneurs, creating and developing their own business;

·         research organizations related to the solution of management problems;

 institutions of higher and additional professional education.

The most important professional competence areas

·         possess technologies of personnel management, possessing the ability and willingness to form teams to solve problems (PC-1);

·         possess organizational skills, ability to find and adopt organizational and management decisions, including in crisis situations (PC-2);

·         ability to plan and organize the work of public authorities, to develop an organizational structure adequate strategy, goals and objectives, internal and external conditions of activity of public authorities, to carry out the distribution of functions, authorities and responsibilities between performers (PC-3);

·         possess the ability to analyze and planning in the field of state and municipal management (PC-4);

·         possess modern methods of diagnosis, analysis and resolution of socio-economic problems, as well as methods of making and their implementation in practice (PC-5);

·        be skilled in the use of economic policy instruments (PC-8);

•     ability to organize and compile information, prepare proposals for improving the system of state and municipal management (PC-13)

Employment options of post-graduates

The state, regional and municipal authorities, enterprises and organizations of various industries, fields of activity and forms of ownership structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs.