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Professional Fields:

The program is oriented at the study of plant organisms at different organizational levels: from molecular-genetic to population level for the design of biotechnological approaches of plants’ growth and development management.

Principal knowledge and skills to acquire: 

Graduates of ‘Applied plant biology’ master program shall have knowledge of contemporary methods of biochemistry and molecular biology, biophysics, cytogenetics, gene and cellular plant engineering. Through all this they may prove themselves in various fields of the biological science.

Graduates’ career opportunities:

Carrying out research in the following fields:

-         Biology, biochemistry and biotechnology of the resource plants (medicinal, ornamental, fruit );

-         Landscape design;

-         Phytopathology and molecular mechanisms of phytoimmunity;

-         Molecular-biochemical of plant resistance;

-         Paleobotany

Head of the Program: Professor Olga Timofeeva
