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Professional Fields:

-         Fundamental applied research;

-         Production and expertise activities at organizations specializing on Nanotechnologies and Biotechnologies;

-         Environmental protection and natural resources management organizations;

-         Teaching activity in secondary education and higher education institutions;

Knowledge and skills to acquire:

Contemporary knowledge related to the bases of nano-and biotechnological processes and to their improvement due to the use of highly-active producers, principles of cellular and enzyme immobilization as well as the employment of novel methods of cellular and genetic engineering.

Graduates’ career opportunities:

-         carrying out research in the framework of postgraduate study programs;

-         working at:

·        educational institutions;

·        scientific and research institutes;

·        Ministry of education institutions;

·        Entities specialized on agrobiotechnology ;

·        biochemical and analytical laboratories of production entities;


Head of the Program: associate professor Pavel Zelenikhin,

