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Specializations within this programme

  • Biotechnical systems and technologies in prosthetics and rehabilitation
    This master program allows students to receive qualification in the field of development and operation of technical means of medical aftertreatment, the lost functions of organs and the systems of the person. In the course of training the student gains skills of development of methods and technical means of medical aftertreatment of the person, projection and designing of technical means of medical aftertreatment of the lost functions of organs and the systems of the person, studies technological processes of medical aftertreatment, mathematical models of objects of aftertreatment and prosthetics, modern program and information support for automation of projection of technical means of medical aftertreatment.
  • Informational systems and technologies in medical centers
    Students of this master program receive qualification in the development area and service of information systems of medical assignment. The acquired skills allow to participate in development of the information systems used in medical medical and scientific institutions, to study technologies of information support of the doctor, to develop the database and medical knowledge, algorithms of diagnostics and treatment of the patient, the modern program and information support for design of information systems of medical assignment.
  • Biotechnical systems and technologies in environmental protection
    The purpose of this Master program is training of specialists in the field of development and operation of devices, systems and complexes of medicobiological and ecological appointment. As a result graduates get skills of use of special technical means of monitoring and environment protection ; forecasting of ecological consequences of environmental pollution as a result of environmental management, industrial and household wastes. They learn to choose and to scientifically prove optimum biotechnical methods and technologies of environment protection; to formulate requirements to characteristics of the designed equipment of ecological appointment and the technological processes of her development taking into account properties of ecological system and requirements shown to results of its monitoring.
  • Biocompatible materials
    Professional activity of the graduate includes creation of new methods of the directed synthesis and technologies of biocompatible materials, physical and chemical analysis and functional diagnostics of materials of medical appointment including nanomaterials.