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Specializations within this programme

  • Graduates of the program handle the tasks associated with innovative development of enterprises, industries and regions of the country. They manage innovative projects for producing viable goods and services, conduct normative and legal, financial, scientific and technical support of innovation activities, etc.

    Graduates are familiar with

    • Projects, processes and systems modeling with the use of modern information technologies;
    • Methods for analyzing design and technological options for choosing the optimal solution;
    • Methods for assessing the commercial potential of innovative products;
    • Normative documents on quality and standardization.

    Graduates are able

    • To plan and organize production of innovative products, commission and accept work, lay out terms of reference, conduct technological audit, prepare documents for certification;
    • To present research results in a form of an article, report and presentation;
    • To delegate authority and responsibility, effectively organize group work, resolve conflict situations;
    • To promote a new product on the market, protect intellectual property legally.
