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What is Technosphere Safety?

Briefly, Technosphere Safety exists to protect the environment fr om the human impact.

The modern era is characterized by rapid industrial development and as a result, manufacturing plants widely interact with the natural environment. People have been facing environmental issues, and the more humanity has developed, the bigger has negative impact been on the environment.

As the level of urbanization rises every year, the amount of waste, energy and resource consumption, emissions, discharges, electromagnetic, radioactive pollution and the total environmental burden increase too.

High population growth rates, a huge increase in consumption, a sharp increase in the demand for energy resources, intensive development of industrial and agricultural production lead to the emergence of permanent foci of heavy pollution of the biosphere with global irreversible effect.

In this regard, the "Technosphere Safety" program is becoming increasingly relevant and popular on the market of educational services.

Aims and objectives

  • Ensuring a sustainable level of natural resource management;

  • Reduce environmental pollution;

  • Developing measures for the preservation and restoration of the natural environment;

  • Ensuring smart use of renewable and non-renewable natural resources;

  • Developing a system wh ere the state effectively controls environmental protection and nature management;

  • Monitoring normative legal support and administration of the law in the field of urban environmental safety;

  • Utilizing economic and financial mechanisms for urban environmental safety;

  • Monitoring the environment;

  • Providing trainings in the field of ecology and urban environmental safety.

Key points

  • Students of the program receive multi-discipline training the field of practical environmental protection and ecology by the means of electronics, radio engineering, informatics;

  • Training is conducted on high tech equipment, the most advanced technologies are used.

The main subjects

  • Methods and Instruments of Environmental Monitoring;

  • Supervision and Control in the Field of Security;

  • Environmental Management;

  • Ecology of Megacities;

  • Fundamentals of Impact of Physical Fields on Biological Objects of Human, Social and Economic Levels. 

International partnership

International internships and training

The "Technosphere Safety" program is co-implemented with partners from Finland, Great Britain, Norway.

The best students take part in such projects as:

Volunteer environmental movement that provides prompt assistance in eliminating the consequences of large-scale oil spills (Finland);

The "Green Is Great: freshening up ideas for water use" project (Great Britain).

The best final year students have the opportunity to participate in the double degree program at the Lappeenranta University of Technology LUT (Finland). When a student graduates from the university, he receives certificates and diplomas of the European standard.
