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Specializations within this programme

  • Theory and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures

    The specialization aims at training highly qualified teachers for further work at a higher education level. It is intended for those who are passionate about seeking innovative approach in dealing with people and not afraid to stand in front of a full audience. The students learn to be fluent in a foreign language and study modern methods of teaching. They develop both theoretical and practical skills in the field of communication strategies, they learn to understand the psychology of the individual and master pedagogical anthropology.

  • Translation and Translation Studies

    The students become professional interpreters who implement their skills in the areas of cross-cultural communication. The specialization is designed for those who wish to deeply understand the intricacies of a foreign language and see themselves as specialists in the field of translation. The students begin to understand the theory of translation, its ethnic features and capabilities, learn literary editing and annotating. The practical activities help develop simultaneous interpretation skills, text interpretation skills and so forth. 

  • Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication

    The specialization aims at training future professionals in the field of intercultural communication and international relations. Anyone who wants to see into the peculiarities of a foreign culture and learn about the intricacies of communication with the representatives from other countries can safely choose this specialization. The students study Social Psychology, Sociolinguistics, Cultural Anthropology. They learn to apply the tactics of conflict resolution through practical training, simulate and manage communicative processes of participants in the dialogue, and lead the discussion.
