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Specializations within this programme

  • Molecular Biology

    Molecular biology is a branch of science that studies biopolymers, their components, and the structure and function of genes and genomes.

  • Biochemistry

    Biochemistry is a branch of science that focuses on the study and identification of patterns of chemical processes, composition, structure, functions, properties, and transformations of substances of living organisms, the relationship between these reactions and the activity of cellular structures, organelles, tissues, and organs of the whole organism, neutralization of xenobiotics, and artificial materials and their impact on living organisms and the biosphere as a whole.

  • Botany

    Botany is a study of plants. It explores the world of plants, its diversity, the genesis, distribution, structure, and properties of plants and plant communities, their relationship with the environment and other living organisms. Botany develops the scientific basis of its rational management and preservation as a necessity for sustainable human development.

  • Genetics
    Genetics is a field of science that studies the phenomena of heredity and variability, patterns of storage processes, transmission and realization of genetic information at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and population levels.
  • Physiology
    Physiology is a field of science related to the study of animal and human body functioning, using behavioral, physiological, biochemical, genetic, and molecular biological approaches for the analysis. Physiology is a base for a number of scientific disciplines such as medicine, psychology, veterinary, etc. Fundamental physiological studies allow us to understand the laws of functioning of an organism and its separate systems, the principles of human health and its adaptive capacity, patterns of interaction with the environment.
  • Ecology

    Ecology is a science that examines the structure and function of living systems in space and time in natural and modified environments. 

  • Cellular Biology, Cytology, Histology

    It is a branch of science that focuses on the study of the origin, structure, development, and functioning of cells and tissues, their interaction in the process of the body's functions.
