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The educational program is aimed at full methodological support of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 31.05.01 Medical business, to develop students' personal qualities necessary for medical activity, to provide comprehensive training of highly qualified specialists with fundamental knowledge of the main medical disciplines, to form universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard; formation of competencies for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, organization of medical activities at the level of primary health care.

Key disciplines of the program:
Human anatomy, human histology, normal human physiology, pathological anatomy, pathological physiology; therapy; surgery; obstetrics and gynecology; traumatology and orthopedics; nervous diseases; anesthesiology, resuscitation, intensive care; pharmacology; radiology and radiation diagnostics; clinical and laboratory diagnostics, public health and healthcare, health economics.

Partners and experts:

Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2, Primorsky Regional Perinatal Center, Vladivostok Polyclinic No. 9, LLC Laser Surgery Clinic.

The language of the educational program implementation: english language. 